(ANS – Tiruchy) – A team from Tiruchy Salesian Province, comprising of Br. Dhanaraj, Br. Prabin and Mr Jospeh Suresh, under the guidance and support of the vice provincial Fr Doss Kennedy and Prison Ministry In-Charge Fr. Bhakiaraj, organized a series of motivational camps for young prisoners in Borstal Schools during March-April 2015. The local Prison Ministry of India (PIM) members helped the team in conducting the programmes in different places.
The motivational camps were held in different Borstal Schools in Tamil Nadu from 21 March to 23 April 2015. The Borstal Schools houses prisoners who are between 18 and 21 years of age. The camps were held in six places: Salem-Rasipuram, Thanjavur, Pudukkotai, Tiruchy-Ariyalur, Madurai-Melur, and Thirunelveli-Nanguneri. The camps were generally of three to four days’ duration. All together 307 young offenders participated in these motivational camps.
The topics treated during the four day camps were titled in the following manner: “Life is beautiful”, “Let us awake”, “Lets break the Barriers” and “Let`s live the life happily”. Besides animation sessions there were also games, party-songs, and competitions such as drawing, singing, drama and dance, to bring out the talents of the inmates.
The animators noted that the participation of the inmates was very positive and encouraging. They were enthusiastic about paying attention to the talks and accepting the advises that were given to them.
The motivational camp seems to have made a great impact on these youngsters in enabling them to grasp ways of living a meaningful life in spite of the unfortunate situations they have found themselves in.
Published 06/05/2015