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1/12/2014 - Turkey - "Dear young people do not get discouraged. With God’s help, continue to hope for a better future"

(ANS - Istanbul) - Ecumenism, religious freedom, and the protection of Christian minorities in the Middle East ... these were the issues at the centre of the apostolic visit of Pope Francis to Turkey. He still found time however, for the less privileged in society such as the young people who live at the Salesian refugee centre in Istanbul.

The meeting between the Pope and approximately 100 children and young people - Christians and Muslims, refugees from Syria, Iraq and the Horn of Africa - took place yesterday afternoon, Sunday 30 November, in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. It marked the last stage of his apostolic voyage. An emotional closeness developed immediately between the Pope and the young refugees. The Holy Father made it clear that he would like to have met more refugees during his trip, but he could not because of an already very intense schedule.

Most of the refugees he met were about 10-11 years old and attend the school run by the Salesians. There they are given English classes to prepare them to emigrate especially to the USA, Canada and Australia. The Pope stayed with them for about thirty minutes. He sat near the altar while the young people were in the front rows of the church pews.

Fr Andrés Callejas, Director of the school, greeted the Pope in Spanish. Then – according to the agency Sir - a Christian Iraqi girl spoke about "the dramatic situation from which she fled and the difficult and dangerous situation in which she has to live, unable to go to school." There was a touching moment when the young people sang a song for the Pope in Spanish, English and Arabic, accompanied on guitar by Fr Callejas.

"Dear young people” - the Holy Father said – “do not be discouraged. With God's help, continue to hope for a better future, despite the difficulties and obstacles that you are facing now. (...) Always remember that God does not forget any of his children, and that children and all who suffer are the closest to the heart of the Father."

Speaking to young people the Holy Father made a renewed appeal to the international community: "The degrading conditions in which many refugees have to live are intolerable! The international community must make every  effort to remove the causes of this situation. I appeal for greater international collaboration in resolving conflicts that cause bloodshed in your countries of origin, to counteract the other causes that drive people to leave their homeland and to promote the conditions for them to stay or come back."

Published  01/12/2014

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