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18/10/2012 - Spain - Dialogue, against violence

(ANS – Mérida) – The youth protest in Spain is reaching these days new heights. Yesterday the Salesian Institute of Mérida was subject to an invasion by a hundred or so young people. The Salesians have quickly issued a press release in which they denounced the incident and reiterated the continued educational and social commitment.

At mid-day, about 13:20, a group of about 100 youths entered the Salesian Institute "María Auxiliadora" of Mérida. At that time in school lessons were going on, which helped about 1000 students, from kindergarten to high school.

The non-teaching staff at the Centre and some teachers had tried to prevent the passage of the group, but a dozen managed to get inside the school building, shouting slogans against the establishment, attacking the staff they encountered on their way and trying to prevent the normal development of the academic activities.

Following the incident the Centre issued a press release in which it pointed out the following:

  • "defending the right to protest, and it cannot be otherwise, demands that the right not to join the strike and the normal conduct of the activities of the Centre are both respected;
  • his downright refusal before the vile behaviour of this small group which came violently into our educational Centre;
  • that the Centre shall take the necessary measures, because today we do not want to have a repetition of the same incidents;
  • that today a complaint will be made against this violent group, in the belief that such behaviour cannot be allowed in a State of Law ".

"The Salesians, who in Spain operate over 100 educational centres, have always worked through the instruments of the Rule of Law for the improvement of education in our country. - the press release continues -the Salesians, present in 130 countries worldwide, are engaged in the education of youth, especially those most in need. Vocational training centres are employment agencies and   'Business School' departments, to guide and facilitate the search for work on the part of the students. In addition, in Spain in recent years, works called 'Social  Platforms' are being developed, which have specific programmes for young people at risk of social exclusion and agreements with public administrations and companies to find outlets for young people".

The press release ends with an invitation to "dialogue between all sectors of the educational community as the best solution to address the challenges facing education in our country".

Published 18/10/2012

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