Germany – Seeing cultural variety as something precious not as a problem |
Ukraine – The Rector Major on a visit to the EST Circumscription |
Germany – Team Visit: Northern Europe, Atlantic-German zone |
Three years after the 26th General Chapter the Salesians from Flanders and the Low Countries, from Great Britain, Ireland and Malta, Austria and Germany examined the situation with two key issues at the centre of the contributions and the reflections: GC26 and the Project for Europe.
The youth scene in the context of Europe, characterised by secularism, pluralism and post-modernity, leading to marginalisation; the lack of vocations which results in the ever increasing average age of the religious and Salesian communities; the current economic crisis and the loss of confidence in the Catholic church in some countries caused by episodes and accusations of paedophilia, were some of the issues which set the scene. However, the attitude of those taking part was not one of pessimism but in line with the Salesian charism, open to hope and the determination to make a greater effort. “I am convinced that the charism and the mission of Don Bosco for needy young people in Europe are necessary and have a future,” Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major, observed at the conclusion of the Team Visit.
The Superior of the Salesians proposed to the Provincials and to the members of their Councils an interpretation of “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” with particular attention to three aspects on which the Salesian in Europe needs to focus: the primacy of God, the witness of a gospel brotherly spirit, openness to the new forms of poverty and marginalisation. “As a spiritual man, a prophet and servant the Salesian is preparing himself to respond to the challenges facing him and the young people of Northern Europe.”
Taking up again the five key issues of the GC26, Fr Chávez asked for a change in the way of thinking and acting in order to “undertake a process of true conversion, passing from what is closed to an open one, ready for change, looking to the future with optimism.” The efforts of the Salesians need to be directed towards a more Christo-centric education and witnessing to the Salesian vocation.
At the end of the Team Visit it emerged that for the present a re-structuring of the Provinces and Delegations of the Atlantic-German zone was not necessary. What was requested was closer collaboration in the formation of Salesians and lay people and a youth ministry centre at Colle Don Bosco.
Published 16/05/2011