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3/12/2013 - France - Fr Jean-Marie Peticlerc, SDB, receives the 2013 Éthique Prize

(ANS - Versailles)–  On Thursday 21 November in Versailles, Fr Jean-Marie Petitclerc won the 2013 Éthique Prize, sponsored by the French magazine  Lettre du Cadre Territorial. The previous year’s winner, the renowned chef Thierry Marx, conferred the award.

The Éthique prize is awarded to men and women who, in their daily work, help to promote the values ​​of tolerance, respect for fundamental freedom and the human rights of solidarity, equality and non-discrimination. The jury is made ​​up of local officials, but also some public figures (journalists, businessmen, politicians ... ) who regularly work with Lettre du Cadre Territorial.

The ceremony was opened by Emmanuel Cattiau from the town council of Magny, and Nicolas Braemer, Chief Editor of the magazine. Thierry Marx then spoke: "It's a great thrill for me to present this award, because when I started Cuisine et mode d'emploi I was greatly inspired by his experience. [...] And though I do not like making speeches, it is my heart that is speaking now. "

In his acceptance speech Fr Petitclerc first thanked all his collaborators in the Valdoccò community. He emphasized the holistic approach to the education of young people, through Family - School – City. The family has the tradition, the school provides a public dimension, and the city provides the culture of being among peers. "In each of these places, the young people meet significant adults, but often instead of working together, these adults ignore or contradict or discredit each other. The first law of the young is consistency. [...] The idea of ​​Valdoccò is to mediate in these three places. [...] The Valdoccò watchword is mediation, to ensure consistency among adults."

Reaffirming the importance of the school, Fr Petitclerc questioned the ability of the present system of education to improve the lives of young people.

He concluded by speaking of the need to break down the ghetto mentality that affects young people: "When a young person is in school with the same young people he or she meets on the street, and when the educators bring these same young people on vacation by themselves, the young people are sentenced to live in a ghetto [...] We need to rethink the policy of the city and  break down this parochial mentality."

Published 03/12/2013

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