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7/11/2013 - Spain - Meeting of Provincials from West Europe region
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(ANS – Madrid) – The meeting of Salesian Provincials from West Europe region began on Monday last and concludied today, 7 November in Madrid,. The Regional Councillor, Fr José Miguel Núñez Morenoand various members of the Provincial Councils also attended.

The 8 Provincials from the region met on 4-5 November – 6 from Spain, one from Portugal and one from France-Belgium South – plus one member of each province in West Europe region (REO).

Fr Núñez Morenooffered a reflection on pastoral renewal as presented by Pope Francis and spoke also on the report on Salesians in Europe that the Rector Major will bring the the upcoming General Chapter of the Congregation, and of the likely configuration of the regions in Salesian Europe in the future.

Another two topics were renweal of consecrated life in Europe, led by Claretian Luis Gonzalo Díez, Editor of “Vita Religiosa”, and the development of Youth Ministry. National Delegate Fr Koldo Gutiérrez spoke on this latter point.

Yesterday and today the Provinces of Spain and Portugal met to discuss the reorganisation of Salesian presences in Spain, a process which has been ongoing for the last two years and will conclude next May when the two new Salesian provinces will formally begin – Central North East Spain and Mediterranean Spain – they will take over from the current six provinces.

Over these days those with national responsibility for Salesian sectors (Youth Ministry, Formation, Salesian Family group delegates, CCS Publishers, Social Communication...) have been presenting reports on activities carried out over the past year and future plans and organisation Salesian distribution in Spain.

A meeting is planned today of the Interprovincial Conference of Salesian Sisters in Spain and Portugal (CIEP). The Provincials SDB and FMA in Iberia are involved in reflection on common issues and evaluation of processes and experiences that the two Congregations are carrying out jointly in Spain.

Currently the West European region, one of 8 in the Congregation, has 8 Provinces, 1400 Salesians and 185 works including schools, youth centres, parishes and social platforms.

Published 07/11/2013

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