(ANS – Sliema) – One of Don Bosco’s quotes: “Experience has taught me that if we wish to sustain civil society then we should take good care of the young”, provided the background for a milestone memorandum of understanding between the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and St Patrick’s Salesian School (STPSS) which was signed recently. This will lead to collaboration for the development of joint vocational education programmes that MCAST will accredit.
By Evarist Bartolo,
Maltese Minister for Education and Employment
As a result of this agreement MCAST will allow entry of students at St Patrick’s Salesian School who have successfully completed the accredited programme/s set up in joint collaboration between MCAST and STPSS at the appropriate educational level within its full-time training courses framework.
St Patrick’s Salesian School was established as an industrial school in 1903 and since then has been offering continuous educational programmes according to the needs of the students, adapting itself to the changing national educational scenario along the years.
At present the school provides a supportive learning environment at secondary education level that allows students to prosper academically and socially. The school’s small environment (maximum of 75 students per annum) creates a family-like setting. The current school’s educational programme follows the National Curriculum Framework and provides Vocational Education Training in three areas: Media, Food Preparation, and Design and Technology. The school also offers a number of activities such as Music, Art, Drama, Backstage set-up and management, Sports and the opportunity to be part of the EkoSkola team or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
The school places great emphasis on mutual respect, spirituality, human formation and self expression through creative arts. Through such an approach, the school fosters a safe environment that supports innovative and creative practice, mostly through diversity and inclusiveness.
A foundational belief that lies at the core of the school’s educational approach is that students learn best in different ways, especially if stimulated and engaged through the provision of the necessary support in their journey towards young adulthood as they try to achieve their goals and dreams. Learning always requires effort, the degree of which depends on one’s intelligence.
MCAST plays an important part in its role as the country’s vocational education and training institution. Through its 10 institutes, MCAST offers 180 full-time and over 300 part-time vocational courses ranging from certificates to degrees. These vary from MQF Level 1 to Level 6. The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology collaborates closely with local industries to ensure the knowledge, skills and competences within its curricular programme are appropriate and relevant to a dynamic and forward-looking economy.
More info is available on the newspaper “Malta Today” website.
Published 20/04/2015