Rome, Italy - February 2016 - From February 17th to 19th the Seminar on spiritual accompaniment in vocational discernment took place. About 150 participants attended it, including Salesians, FMA and lay people. In the days of the seminar, opened by Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, Prof Raffaele Mantegazza’s intervention was central. The Professor of Education Science in Milan-Bicocca University offered the educational setting in which he placed the path proposed to the participants at the seminar. Fr Beppe Roggia, lecturer at the Salesian Pontifical University, and Fr Pippo Ruta, Provincial of the Salesians in Sicily, accompanied the work. |
Sliema, Malta - February 18th, 2016 – Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, arrived in Malta on February 18th, accompanied by his secretary, Fr Horacio López. They were welcomed by the Provincial Delegate, Fr Paul Formosa. After lunch with the community of ‘St. Patrick`s School’, the Rector Major learned the history of the school, founded when Fr. Rua was Rector Major, in 1903, for socially needy boys. |
Santa Clara, Cuba - February 2016 - From February 15th to 17th Fr Francisco Batista, Provincial of the Antilles (ANT), visited for the first time the Salesian centre in Santa Clara. During the days the various projects of the parish Our Lady of Carmen were shown to him. The members of the different groups of the Salesian Family, teen-agers, young people, and beneficiaries of the work were presented to him. Fr Batista praised the work done by the Communication Centre ‘Father José Vandor’ and urged young people to cultivate the culture of meeting and to prepare the celebration of the centenary of the Salesians in Cuba and the Antilles. |
Alta Gracia, Argentina - February 2nd, 2016 - In the presence of the Provincials of North Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, as well as most of the trainers who led the previous stages, on February 2nd 13 young people were welcomed. They are beginning their Salesian Novitiate: 4 come from Uruguay, 3 from Chile, Paraguay and Argentina respectively. |