Kep, Cambodia – 2 March 2016 - During his visit to the Salesians of Kep City, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, left the imprint of his hands on the monument recalling the birth of Don Bosco. |
Havana, Cuba - February 2016 - On 27 February, the Pilgrim Cross of the National Youth Day to be held in Havana coinciding with the World Youth Day in Krakow, arrived in the Sagrado Corazón Vicariate. On 2 - 3 March the cross was brought to the community of the Salesian parish of San Juan Bosco in Víbora. |
Jaboatão - Brazil - February 2016 - On 27 and 28 February the Provincial Meeting of the Salesian Cooperators of North East Brazil was held. The theme was "The Project of Apostolic Life: A Way of Fidelity to the Charism of Don Bosco." After the meeting, two candidates made their promise as Salesian Cooperators. |
Algeciras, Spain - February 2016 - On 27 February, a new altar dedicated to Mary Help of Christians was blessed in the Parish Church of Mary Help of Christians and St. Isidore. |