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22/5/2009 - New technologies, new relationships

For the Salesian world there is a fine coincidence: the Feast of Mary Help of Christians and the 43rd World Day of Communications with the  theme “New technologies, new relationships. Promoting a Culture of Respect, Dialogue and Friendship." which points out how “new digital technologies are bringing about fundamental shifts in patterns of communication and human relationships.”
In his message Benedict XVI, following in the steps of Vatican II and his predecessors, addresses young people inviting them to open themselves up to the new technologies in order to promote hope in God made Man.

Included in the Pope’s message are typically Salesian approaches: confidence in the young and inviting them to take the lead in the evangelisation of the “new digital continent”. Pope Benedict writes: “In this year’s message, I am conscious of those who constitute the so-called digital generation and I would like to share with them, in particular, some ideas concerning the extraordinary potential of the new technologies, if they are used to promote human understanding and solidarity.”

“New technologies, new relationships” ought to lead us to take up with courage and creativity the challenges of education and evangelisation in the “new virtual playgrounds”. The  Pope says: “It is up to you young people, who have an almost spontaneous affinity for the new means of communication, to take on the responsibility for the evangelization of this "digital continent."

The coincidence with the Feast of Mary Help of Christians gives this 43rd World Day of Communications a special significance. As Mary knew how to accept the Word in order to give Him to the world, young people are invited by the Pope to take up with enthusiasm the proclaiming of the  Gospel to their own peers. “You know their fears and their hopes, their aspirations and their disappointments: the greatest gift you can give to them is to share with them the "Good News" of a God who became man, who suffered, died and rose again to save all people.”

The Salesian world entrusts this World Day of Communications which invites us to join the “digital continent” to the Help of Christians who guided the founding  and  the history of the Congregation of Don Bosco.

Fr Filiberto Gonzalez SDB
Councillor for Social Communicaions

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22/5/2009 - New technologies, new relationships
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