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19/9/2013 - Spain - 7th Formation Course for Bosko Taldea
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(ANS – Logroño) – On 14 and 15 September the Bosko Taldea Federation held its 7th Formation Course. The meeting took place at the Dominic Savio Institute at Logroño, and 150 young people attended. The programme also marked the beginning of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Federation which will be celebrated during the school year 2013-2014.

As on previous occasions, the formative input was very rich. For the smaller children at elementary level there were three areas of interest: a workshop on the use of the social networks for learning. This was given by Ms Marian Serrano, Provincial Delegate for Social Communication of the Salesian Province of Bilbao. There was also a session on group dynamics coordinated by Sandra Torre and another on education in the style of Don Bosco given by a Past Pupil, Ángel Gudiña.

In the area of ongoing formation, there were six modules of four-and-a- half hours each, intended for young leaders. Three of these dealt with accountability in associations; creativity, and working in their free time with young people in difficulty. Another three were for leaders in faith groups, divided according to age: from fourth to sixth class primary, the first two years of secondary school, and teenagers and young people.

Young people attending the Don Bosco School for Free time at La Rioja also took part. They are being trained to be leaders in the Theatre Café, and they gave a show in the evening of Saturday 14 September.

The following morning the Arreta project was presented. It involves a group of young people in an exercise in entrepreneurship, individually and in groups. The presentation of the project was attended by Olga Gómez, from the Consortium of the Basque Agency for Innovation. She will accompany the participants for the whole course.

The event ended with the customary group photo and then Mass at which Fr Félix Urra, Provincial of Bilbao, presided.

Published 19/09/2013

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