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27/5/2013 - Ethiopia - From sorrow to life: Andrea De Nando’s wells

(ANS – Gambella) – Thanks to the project “A Well for Andrea” carried out by VIS (International Voluntary Service for Development), a Salesian NGO, five wells have been sunk in the last two years in the Gambella area. The last two were inaugurated in April and a sixth one will be opened soon near the village of Bure, on hilly rocky land with practically no roads.

The Project called “A Well for Andrea” was started in 2011 to fulfil one of the great ambitions of Andrea De Nando, a 15 year-old Italian boy who was hit and killed on the pedestrian crossing outside the oratory. His dream had been to bring water to the areas in Africa worst hit by drought.

Thanks to the efforts of Andrea’s family and to the commitment of the VIS, a campaign was started to collect funds to make Andrea’s dream come true, and to transform their sorrow at the incomprehensible loss into hope for life in some Ethiopian villages.

The first three wells were sunk at Ilea, Ibago and Matar, and then, last month, another two which will guarantee water to the villages of Kobuon and Seri Mejengir and will benefit all together about 1,200 people.  The wells were inaugurated by Elisabeth Cipollone De Nando, Andrea’s mother.  They are between 50 and 60 metres deep and are operated with hand pumps.  To make sure that they last as long as possible, a village committee has been set up to see to the management and maintenance of the wells.

“Carrying out this project in memory of my son who died two years ago enables me to do what he wanted to do, and it helps me to feel that he is still alive and with us,” said Andrea’s mother.  “At this time of the year, the temperature in the villages is more than 43 degrees in the shade, and I still cannot comprehend how the local people can go on for months with very little food and water.”

 “As always,” she added, “we were struck by the invaluable and incredible work done by the Salesian missionaries with the support of international volunteers from VIS, in an area which is one of the poorest in Africa, stricken by famine and drought. It was a cause of enormous joy and satisfaction to be able to return to the villages where the first three wells have been in operation since 2011, and to see for myself the constant use that is made of them. It was a real joy to see that they are still working well after two years, supplying the first basic necessity for human existence.”
Published 27/05/2013 

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