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9/11/2011 - Brazil - IUS Meeting
Photo for the article -BRAZIL – IUS MEETING
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(ANS – San Paolo) – On 7-8 November, at the Salesian University Centre of San Paolo (UNISAL), Pius XI Section in San Paolo there was the I Forum of the Rectors and Directors of the Salesian Institutes of Higher Education (IUS) in Brazil. As well as those responsible and some representatives of each Institute, Fr Natale Vitali, Councillor for the America-South Cone Region, the Provincial of San Paolo, Fr Marco Biaggi, and the Coordinator General of  the IUS, Bro Mario Olmos were present.

The aim of the Forum was to develop a proposal for a working net-work of all the Salesian Institutes in Brazil in the university area: 2 universities, 3 university centres and  7 faculties. To assist with this, a permanent forum for reflection and action was proposed of the Rectors and Directors of the IUS in Brazil, in order to promote the development of a more significant presence of the Salesian charism in the world of young university students.

Those present agreed to continue to take part in the  process which the IUS has promoted at world level  and also decided to work closely together building up synergy  within the IUS in Brazil as regards the Salesian presence in the university world of Brazil: the exchange of academic staff and students, the training of the teachers, agreements for groups, associations...

The desire to work in net-work is based on the awareness of the importance of the challenges which higher  education presents in Brazil, but especially on  the certainty that solutions to these challenges are to be found in the integration and the collaboration in the great potentiality which the IUS in Brazil have within themselves.

Published 09/11/2011

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