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2/5/2011 - Philippines - An encouraging meeting
(ANS – Manila) – On Thursday 28 April the meeting of the Delegates for Social Communication from the East Asia -Oceania Region concluded. Among the topics considered was the presentation of the revised version of the “Salesian Social Communication System” (SSCS), Salesian presence on the internet,  the role of translators and communication protocols.

One of the most significant activities of the Delegates at the meeting in Manila was certainly that of the presentation and the examination of the new “Salesian Social Communication System” on which many people from various areas of the Salesian world had worked for over 2 years.

During the four days the Delegates reached agreement on several practical steps to be taken to strengthen the Communication System in the Region; in particular, the need was emphasised to work in very close collaboration with those responsible for Formation in the various Provinces. To maintain the very fruitful collaboration created during the meeting, the Delegates set up an online working group to share various material and resources on a regular basis.

One issue considered was the many sites set up by local Salesian groups,  a useful resource for the Region, but since they use different national languages one which cannot be immediately used by an international audience. The proposal which was generally accepted was to translate into English just the headings of the sections so as not to excessively overburden the webmasters, while allowing the users to be find their way around and seek possible further information.

The important work undertaken by the translators was considered and recognised. In this field the East Asia -Oceania Region is perhaps the most advanced in competence and the division of labours. In addition to showing their due appreciation for those who devote themselves to this service for the Congregation, the Delegates proposed to hold a meeting specifically for translators.

The issue of communication protocols and religious life was examined starting from those engaged in communication and considering the rapid development of the new media and their personal  and social nature. The subject, which needs  further re-examination  was judged important not only for initial formation, but also for ongoing formation.

The Delegates and the Social Communication Team of the Department were very pleased with the quality of the discussions and of the organization of the meeting and thanked Fr Eli Cruz and Fr Noel Osial, respectively the Provincial and the Delegate for Social Communication of North Philippines (FIN), those responsible for the arrangements for the meeting.

Published 02/05/2011

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