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15/12/2010 - Ecuador - A Blog Competition for Don Rua
(ANS – Quito) – To celebrate the centenary of the death of Don Michael Rua the “Sacred Heart of Jesus” Province of Ecuador (ECU) has organised a competition for blogs dedicated to the life, history and work of Don Rua, which is open to all the communication and journalism teams in Salesian works.

The aim of the competition is to provide information and a lively formation about the First Successor of Don Bosco, in such a way that the administrators of the blogs (members of the Salesian communication and journalism teams) can then publish, update and manage their own sites and actively  be part of the global network, as both users and communicators.

9 Salesian Institutes took part, from which 3 were chosen as the winners by an expert jury which in its decisions  took into account: the research into and gathering of data about Don Rua, the classification and the structuring of the information, the navigation, creation and animation of the blogs in relations to the Salesian style.

Also taken into account were the dynamic parts of the blog, the use of effective and attractive language, the titles and expressions used, the presence of an attractive narrative and the harmonious use of design in the colours, graphics, photographs, links and contents.

On Friday 10 December at the Salesian “Cristóbal Colón” centre in  Guayaquil the various winners were announced: in the first place the “ISPEDIBSHA” (Bilingual ShuarAchuar Intercultural Higher Pedagogical Institute in Bomboiza; in second place  the “Dominic Savio” Salesian centre in Cayambe; and in the third place the “Mario Rizzini” Institute.

It is possible to visit the various blogs, winners or just participants in the competition starting with the site of the Salesians in Ecuador.

Published 15/12/2010

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