Haiti – A picture begins to emerge of the situation of the Salesians after the earthquake |
RMG – Haiti: collaboration among Religious Orders |
RMG – Updates on Haiti, two more Salesian dead |
Fr Stra confirms that the “Saint John Bosco” house in Port-au-Prince Enam and the Work of the small schools of Father Bonhen (OPEPB) entrusted to the Salesians have been destroyed. The 200 plus pupils, Fr Stra writes, must be considered dead together with some adult lay staff members. The Salesian missionary ends his e-mail asking for a special prayer remembering the victims of this catastrophe.
News has also arrived that yesterday the funerals were held of the two postnovices, students of philosophy, Atsime Wilfrid and Vibrun Valsaint, killed when the “Saint Francis of Sales” Institute at Fleuriot-Tabarre, Port-au-Prince collapsed.
Fr Olibrice Zucchi, a Salesian member of the community of Port-au-Prince Droullard managed to save himself by jumping through the window of the ground floor room in which he was working. A secretary working nearby was buried under the ruins.
Published 15/01/2010