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16/2/2016 - Mexico - The Pope and the indigenous peoples of Mexico

(ANS - Chiapas) - Chiapas is one of the states of Mexico with the greatest cultural diversity, because of the number of indigenous groups living in its territory. The Pope arrived in Chiapas on Monday 15 February, landing in Tuxtla Gutierrez.

From there he was flown by helicopter to San Cristobal de las Casas, where he presided at a Eucharist accompanied by artistic and cultural events in some of the major languages ​​of the area inhabited by the descendants of the ancient Maya.

"Li smantal Kajvaltike toj lek" - "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul" (Ps 19 / 18.8). Pope Francis began his homily with these words in the Tzotzil language. He then cited the "Popol Vuh", a work that contains the ancient Maya understanding of man and of the world. According to the Pope, "there's a yearning to live in freedom, a yearning that has the flavour of the Promised Land where oppression, neglect and degradation are no more. The Pope added: "How sad! How much good it would do us all if we could make an examination of conscience and learn to say, 'I forgive! I forgive, brothers!'. Today's world, devastated by the “disposable culture” needs you!” the Holy Father said.

Among the indigenous communities there were also some children and teenagers of the Mixe Prelature, in the State of Oaxaca, where the bishop is Monsignor Héctor Guerrero Córdova, SDB. Young Mixes formed a large music band which provided the music during the liturgy. "It was a great experience for the young people to listen to the words of the Pope and see him in person" said the Salesian prelate.

On Monday afternoon there was the same level of affection for the Pope and the same impact for the Catholics of Mexico. In Tuxtla Gutierrez (about 86 km from San Cristobal) Pope Francis met with the families gathered at the Victor Manuel Reyna stadium, about 100 thousand people in all. Responding to their greetings and testimonies, the Pope on several occasions abandoned his prepared text and spontaneously expressed his feelings and his views on the importance of the family.

Published 16/02/2016

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