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22/6/2015 - Italy - A Long Day for the Pope in Turin
Photo for the article -ITALY – A LONG DAY FOR THE POPE IN TURIN
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(ANS - Turin)- The Pope’s love for the people of Turin could not have had better proof that that offered yesterday, Sunday 21 June, with the long list of meetings attended by the Pope. There were different people and different places but everywhere you could sense the presence of a Shepherd close to his flock.

by Gian Francesco Romano

His first encounter was with the world of work. Once again the Pope condemned the "throwaway culture" and took up the defence of the weakest members of present day society. "Immigration increases competition, but migrants should not be blamed, because they are victims of lawlessness, of the throwaway economy and of wars," he said.

Pope Francis venerated the Shroud and then, in the great Eucharistic celebration in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, he spoke about the motto of this year’s Exposition - "The Greatest Love". He recalled the love of Jesus, who "remains faithful, even when we are wrong, and waits to forgive us: He is the face of the merciful Father. Here we see faithful love."

In the early afternoon, after a visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolata, the Pope spent time in generous and spontaneous sharing with the Salesian Family. Soon after there was another visit, one that he could not miss.  To the sick, the disabled and elderly residents of Cottolengo, the Pope spoke words of great affection and hope: "You are precious members of the Church, you are the flesh of Christ crucified whom we have the privilege of touching and serving with love. By the grace of Jesus you are witnesses and apostles of the divine mercy that saves the world."

Finally, in his meeting with the young, Pope Francis Pope returned to the theme of love.  In the words of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati of Turin he urged the young people "to live and not just go through the motions," and without fear of appearing unpopular he challenged them to chastity and a love that sacrifices itself for others.

Today, Monday 22 June, the Pope’s commitments are fewer, but still significant. After a visit to the Waldensian Temple he and will have a strictly private meeting with his Piedmontese relatives and a brief meeting with members of the Committee of the Exhibition and the organizers and supporters of the visit.

Pubblicato il 22/06/2015

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