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24/4/2015 - Lesotho - Salesian youth say no to xenophobia
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(ANS - Maseru) - Young people who attend the Salesian houses in Maseru, Lesotho, have written “NO to xenophobia” on a simple piece of paper, with the simplicity and immediacy of those who know they are saying something that should be obvious. Yet, what they have expressed so candidly seems today to be somewhat forgotten all over the world.

By Gian Francesco Romano

This is not just idealism and good intentions. The young people of Maseru are well aware of what they are talking about, because for the past week the neighbouring country of South Africa - the Rainbow Nation which experienced the shame of apartheid – has been shaken by violence and clashes as young South Africans engaged in attacks on the immigrant minorities in the country. In recent weeks, six people were killed in attacks against immigrants in Durban and in the suburbs of Johannesburg.

The shops and commercial activities of foreigners were portrayed as a symbol of foreigners "stealing their jobs" and were attacked frequently. Many immigrants from neighbouring countries, such as Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi and Lesotho, have had to apply for police protection and several thousand are leaving, sometimes on the invitation of their respective governments. "We were chased like dogs," said some people from Malawi who had to flee the violence.

According to the Centre of African migration from the University of Witwatersrand, more than 350 foreigners were killed in the country in 2008 and the majority of these crimes remain unpunished.

But xenophobia these days is also evident much further north, beyond the African continent, where the European Union and the various governments of the countries of the Old Continent, despite declarations and summits, seem willing to try to resolve the migrant emergency essentially by creating a naval blockade: destroying boats before they enter the sea, plus more investment and deployment of resources in patrolling the coasts.

But the problem of offering a welcome to those fleeing from countries at war or extreme humanitarian conditions remains unresolved. Some countries have already made it known that they are not willing to receive any more migrants.

"I feel a sense more of shame than of indignation! Indeed, I cover my face in shame. Europe is betraying its entire history, all its culture, the warmth and hospitality that were great values ​​of the Mediterranean,” said Enzo Bianchi, Prior of the Community of Bose, yesterday on Vatican Radio.

Published 24/04/2015

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