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17/7/2014 - Italy - Twelve hours of continuous prayer for peace in the Holy Land

(ANS - Rome) - Young people of Rome will gather tonight, Thursday 17 July,  at the Basilica of St. Anastasia on the  Palatine Hill, to pray for peace in the Holy Land. They will be joined spiritually with other young people from all over Italy and the world, including some in Jerusalem.

People are still being killed in Gaza. These young people will go on their knees in front of the Eucharist to pray to the Lord for peace. From 6.00 p.m. this evening until 6.00 a.m. tomorrow morning they will gather for twelve hours of continuous intercession. The prayer will begin with Mass at which Fr Alberto Pacini, the rector of the Basilica, will preside. Then the programme of prayer will continue, hour after hour, led by different church groups.

Last Sunday, 13 July, Pope Francis addressed to all "a heartfelt appeal to continue to pray earnestly for peace in the Holy Land, in the light of the tragic events of recent days. Prayer helps us not to let ourselves be overcome by evil, nor accept that violence and hatred gain the upper hand over dialogue and reconciliation."

The initiative is being promoted by various youth associations in Rome that are engaged in intercession for peace. They are the same groups that in 2009, at the suggestion of the Salesian Francesco De Ruvo, started the International Day of Intercession for Peace in the Holy Land.

Published 17/07/2014

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