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16/5/2014 - RMG - Salesians in Nigeria
Photo for the article -RMG – SALESIANS IN NIGERIA – PART 1

(ANS – Rome)– “A country with many problems and much violence in some areas, but also a ‘giant’ undergoing profound transformation, with great opportunities ahead.” This is how Nigeria is described by two Salesians, Fr Silvio Roggia, Vice-Provincial of the English-speaking Province of West Africa, and Bro. Paul Vaschetto, Bursar of the Community in Ibadan. We publish here the first part of their interview, which deals with recent news stories.

The Salesian houses are in the centre and south of the country. Are they safe?
Fr Silvio: Definitely. Up to now we have had no security problems, at least no more than everybody else, maybe some petty crime, robbery …  but there is no anxiety. Nobody is talking about a scary situation.

What is the cause of the current situation of terrorist violence?
Fr Silvio: The violence depends on a mixture of factors, unfortunately all very dangerous. One of these is certainly Islamic fundamentalism, but we know that it is being driven from outside the country. Then you have to consider economic issues. Oil brings in enormous wealth, but it has never been shared by the population. Maybe that is a remote root of the problem.

Bro. Paolo: Geography may well be a contributing factor. Years ago, when the President came from the West or the North of the country, there were many kidnappings in the South, while the North was quieter. Now the President is from the South. The kidnappings have ended but we are witnessing these phenomena in the North. In 2015 there will be new presidential elections.

Churches and schools are among the favourite targets of Boko Haram. What can be done to continue to educate the young people?
Fr Silvio: Churches and schools are chosen deliberately in order to make headlines. Terrorists always try these tactics. And they are easy targets: you cannot expect to defend them all. But it is not only churches and schools. Barracks and police stations have also been hit, anything that will weaken the government. For Boko Haram everything that promotes Western influence becomes a target. But this is not a mass phenomenon – these are the actions of terrorists.

What can be done? In the North it is difficult. Those communities have really been tested. It is a martyr Church ... many Christians have fled. In the south, however, it is a question of continuing the good work of catechesis, because there is a lot of proselytism by the sects.

What would you say to the more than 200 girls who were abducted, and to their loved ones?
Fr Silvio: It is difficult. These are tragedies that can never be undone. There’s a sense of helplessness. Working for education is a long-term response, but one that is well worth investing in. Perhaps it is also an answer to Boko Haram who say a firm "no" to western education, or indeed education itself. It is a matter of saying "yes " to education, especially for girls.

Bro. Paolo: These girls deserve credit for believing in education. They were at school when they were captured, because they believed in education. We don’t know what the solution will be, despite the best efforts of many. Let's wait and pray. But I also hope that the attention given to this tragedy will serve to turn the spotlight on wider issues, such as the problem of girls being kidnapped and then given in marriage.  Forced marriages are widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and so is domestic violence against women.

The second part of the interview, to be published in the next few days, will provide an overview of the promising prospects of the country and of the young people.

Published 16/05/2014

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