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25/11/2013 - Philippines - Word and Life gets three awards at CMMA 2013

(ANS – Makati City) – On 15 November, in Makati City, in the presence of Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, prizes were awarded to the winners of the 35th edition of the Catholic Mass Media Awards (CMMA). This year, the Salesians of the Philippines, through the publishing house Word and Life, received awards for all three titles entered in the competition.

Fr Salvatore Putzu, SDB, director of Word & Life, accepted in person the awards for Best Youth Magazine - awarded for the second time to the Word & Life Magazine - and for Best Short Story Comics, won with the work Pedro Calungsod, young catechist and martyr.

Fr Bernard Nolasco, SDB, accepted the recognition of the CMMA for his column Between the Lines which was also published in the Word & Life Magazine.  This was the fourth award for Fr Nolasco, Delegate for Social Communications of the Province of North Philippines. He was thanked and commended for this book Between the Lines which examines the relationship between pop music and rock songs and spiritual values​​.

The CMMA awards were established in 1978 by the then Archbishop of Manila, Cardinal Jaime L. Sin, to celebrate World Day for Social Communications. Each year, prizes are awarded in four categories: print, television, radio and film. In 2001, in light of advances in communications technology, a new category was added for publications on the Internet.

The organizers of CMMA have always been committed to reward works that present levels of technical excellence and effective transmission of human values. It has always been clear that both the works and the winners do not necessarily have to be Catholic or Christian.

Published  25/11/2013

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