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31/10/2013 - RMG - Towards the Chapter: the Salesians in Europe - 2

(ANS – Rome) – As part of the work of the pre-Chapter commission coordinators for various Salesian regions shared a number of reflections on the situation of the Congregation with the Chapter in mind. Here are some recent reflections by Fr Stefano Martoglio, (Italy Middle East), Fr Luis Onrubia (West Europe) and Fr Marek Chmielewski (North Europe).

What specific contribution can the region offer CG27?

Fr Martoglio: a specific contribution in terms of the history and and tradition of the Congregation which is especially rich in meaning for us, above all in reflection on how we have been faithful to it. There is also a notable contribution in interpreting the culture in which we live and the consequent development of the Salesian charism: even if Europe is overshadowed by the world scenario, from the point of view of the Church it is still a cultural 'workshop' where we can study phenomena which also impact on other continents. It also offers finally, a mature, serious and aware sense of vocation.

Fr Chmielewski: our region can offer an ability to read the signs of the times. From two points of view: the Atlantic zone is experiencing this in terms of reshaping presences and giving the charism new vitality; in Poland and what we call CIMEC,we are tackling the new opportunities opened up for the Church after the collapse of the regimes.

Fr Onrubia: we have gone through a serious examination of conscience in all our provinces, looking at what has been lacking so we can move forward faithfully. We can also share our special focus on Youth Ministry, developed within the proposed Framework offered by the Congregation, and where we have strengthened certain aspects of it: evangelisation, spiritual concern accompanying young people in discernment, making a preferential option, working in a planned way… And finally there is our heightened vocational awareness, which is something that touches on the Salesians in our region.

How do Salesians in your region seek to be witnesses to the radical nature of the Gospel?

Fr Martoglio: Awareness of being men of God, witnesses to God's presence inasmuch as we are religious. Those who already are and those who are on the way to becoming Salesians have this sense. If it is true that there are fewer of us than there once was – despite some recovery in recent times – it is also true that Salesians are very motivated today. There is also the witness to lay people with whom we collaborate more and more; and finally there is our presence in works which are as close as possible to the many kinds of poverty there are, the new frontiers the society puts before us.

Fr Chmielewski: enthusiasm, the result of our awareness of being consecrated and of our return to Don Bosco. Our Salesian community life too, and its value for our charism. In our case too, our frontier works. Some of our provinces have given up parishes to take on orphanages, houses of correction, pastoral activities with nomadic groups… These are all true signs of our radical Salesian approach!

Fr Onrubia: firstly there is the daily life of the consecrated Salesians in secular society. This is already a sign today of our radical approach. Then there is our invitation to young people to be fully involved in the Church, in the face of many other invitations from society. Finally the question of identity: our countries have many schools but we nurture our very specific Salesian identity.

Published 31/10/2013

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