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25/10/2013 - Spain - Participants in the Evangelisers’ Forum renew their commitment to proclaiming Jesus

(ANS - Alicante) – “Recharge the batteries to be better evangelizers and witnesses to Jesus in your own environment” - this is what about 180 young people and adults of the Salesian Province of Valencia did at the Second Evangelizers’ Forum, held from 18-20 October in El Campello. New to this edition was the presence of thirty young people, children of the participants. Their presence added a touch of colour to the event.

Organized by the Provincial Youth Ministry Delegation, the Forum opened on Saturday morning with the "fascinans" programme, which allowed evangelists to immerse themselves in the experience of the Mystery of God in the different stages of the life of Jesus and their reflection on the seasons and the changes of nature. Some young members of the secular institute "Obreras de la Cruz" of Alzirahelped to animate the programme, making good use of symbolism and body language.

In the afternoon, a Jesuit theologian, Toni Català, gave a lecture on Jesus' encounters with people as they are presented in the Gospels. In his speech, which was full of experiential stories, the professor insisted that the gospel is not a doctrine but a way of living, of being in life and creating life. The session ended with a lively dialogue with the speaker.

In the evening, Brother Álvaro Fraile, singer-songwriter of Christian music, gave a concert. He cheered everyone with the profound message of his songs and the humour and wisdom of his comments.

Sunday morning was devoted to the celebration of the Eucharist, at which the Salesian Fr Juan Bosco Sancho presided. It was celebrated with a distinctive style, called "Mass without haste". It lasted three hours and included explanations of the various parts of the Mass, with dialogue in groups, and with signs and chants.

The Forum ended at noon, and the participants left with a strengthened desire to be missionaries and evangelists.

Published 25/10/2013

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