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1/10/2013 - RMG - Condolences on the death of Fr Riccardo Tonelli

(ANS - Rome) - Fr Riccardo Tonelli , SDB, distinguished professor at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) and former Vice-Provincial of the Vice-Province of the UPS, died in the early hours of today, 1 October. "He was a generous man to whom the whole congregation should be grateful," said Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major of the Salesians.

Riccardo Tonelli was born on 3 November 1936 in Bologna. He entered the Salesian novitiate of Montodine in 1952, made ​​his perpetual profession in 1959 at Missaglia and was ordained priest in 1963 in Monteortone .

A scholar and expert in Theology and Pastoral Care, he served the Congregation as Head of the Centre for Youth Ministry in Turin, then as professor of youth ministry in the UPS, and eventually as Vice-Chancellor of the University and Coordinator of the Department of Youth Ministry and Catechetics .

"The entire congregation is grateful to him,” Fr Chávez said, “for his total commitment to the young and to the study of youth ministry, which he understood as a continuous search for the best ways to accompany the young.  He worked with Fr Juan Edmundo Vecchi when the latter was Councillor for Youth Ministry and later when he was Rector Major, always promoting a vision of Pastoral Ministry based on the mystery of the Incarnation,  a ministry that sought always to respond to the needs and desires of young people. "

The Rector Major went on to say:   “His life was devoted entirely to research on youth ministry in the service of the congregation and in particular the provinces of Italy, but his contribution went far beyond the congregation and Italy! The influential role he played in bringing about a change of vision and action in Youth Ministry in recent years must be acknowledged.  He was a generous man in every sense, always available in every circumstance, to the Church, the Congregation, the Salesian Family,  his confreres and his pupils ...  always ready to share his research and pastoral insights.  There are many experts in Pastoral Theology and Ministry, Salesians and others, who today thank God for the gift of Fr Tonelli.“

Published  01/10/2011

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