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30/9/2013 - Argentina - Two awards for a video of the Salesian Bulletin

(ANS - Buenos Aires) - The short film "Learn the art of living ", a joint production between the Salesian Bulletin and the Salesian Missions Office of Argentina, has won two awards in the "National Competition and Festival of Short Films - Youth and the World of Work." The competition was organized by the Communication Centre called ‘the Crujía’. Over 120 productions were entered from all across the country.

The film gathers the testimony of several young people who are taking part in the training activities of the Salesian works in Argentina.  It reaffirms the value of apprenticeships in workshops – in trades that go from metallurgy and carpentry to design and fashion. The close presence of the educators generates bonds that strengthen the self-esteem of the young people and help in their integral development.

The presentation of the short films and the awards ceremony took place on 13 September in the Library of the National Congress.   The video made by the Salesian Bulletin received the First SIGNIS Award for the transmission of human and Christian values.“Learn the Art of Living” also received mention as "a short audiovisual journalistic documentary on workshops." It acknowledged the quality of the communication of the production, its effectiveness in making known the value of apprenticeship, the efforts of young people and the commitment of the Salesian work.

The short documentary is one of many videos made ​​entirely by the ArgentineSalesian Bulletin in collaboration with the Salesian Missions Office, two organizations that have endeavoured for several years to transmit "a look at the Salesian world and a Salesian look at the world"through audio-visual productions.

The video is available on the YouTube channel of the Salesian Bulletin Argentina.

Published 30/09/2013

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