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17/9/2013 - Democratic Republic of Congo - New Salesian Community
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(ANS – Tshikapa) – The story of the Salesian mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been enriched with a new page. The Salesians have opened a new community in Tshikapa, in the district of Kasai, a few kilometres from the border with Angola.

The three pioneers of the new Salesian work are Fr Marcel Kafishi, Fr Jacques Balabala and Bro. Remy Kanku.  They arrived inTshikapaon Friday 30 August and were welcomed by the coordinator of Catholic schools for the diocese of Luebo. He accompanied them to the house made available to them by the diocese.

The three Salesian will serve the young people of Tshikapa in an Industrial and Professional Technical Institute financed by the national government. The Institute is still under construction. However, ten of the twenty classrooms and two storerooms are now ready.

As true sons of Don Bosco, the Salesians are already making contact with various supporters and collaborators so as to be able to offer the young people a good formative programme. This is the first technical school in the city.

Faithful to the Salesian Constitutions the Salesians are bringing the charism of Don Bosco and the Preventive System to a new missionary outpost, for the benefit of the children and young people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Published 17/09/2013

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