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13/9/2013 - Ecuador - Meeting of Salesian Journalists’ Club
Photograph available in Image Bank

(ANS – Guayaquil) – From 4 to 6 September, the Communication Office of the Province of Ecuador paid a visit to the Salesian Journalists’ Club in the Guayaquil area. 34 teenagers and young people from the various schools in the area took part in the meeting.

On Wednesday 4 September, the team visited the Salesian Houses of Cristóbal Colón,  Domingo Savio e Casa Don Bosco.  During their visit the present state of communication was evaluated, the photo bank was updated and some documents were studied relating to the organization, the Salesian System of Social Communication (SSCS) and the image of the institution. The meeting with the journalists’ club began in the afternoon, with the topic: Graphic Design for Beginners and Editing for the Web.

The first day dealt with the basic principles of journalism and some questions on how to begin editing a news item. This theoretical part was followed by practical exercises to reinforce the concepts.

In the area of formation, Fr Luis Mosquera spoke of youth group movements and the role of a journalism club. He reminded his listeners that youth associations existed right from the time of Don Bosco and they are a valid form of apprenticeship. “Don Bosco recognized the value of games, outings, music and theatre as means of education.”

The second day began with games, directed by Fr Juan Carlos Chalen, a teacher of pastoral ministry in the Cristóbal Colón School. Then the young people split into groups and prepared some news bulletins, using five fundamental requirements for a news item that they had identified the previous day.

The guest of honour, Dr Pedro Ortiz, spoke of his experience as a journalist and script-writer for television. He answered the young people’s questions and gave them some advice on how to become good journalists.

Finally on 5-6 September, Ronald Reyes, teacher of Graphic Design in the Cristóbal Colón School, presented some basic ideas in his subject.

Published 13/09/2013

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