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11/9/2013 - Belgium - Young people: “We are the solution!”

(ANS – Brussels) – “To create new opportunities for young people – what needs to be done today”. This was the title of a conference that took place on 4 September at Brussels, in the headquarters of the European Parliament. The event was promoted by the Secretariat of the Episcopal Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), together with Don Bosco International (DBI), the Rete Juventutis and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

The conference was supported by Euro-deputies Thomas Mann and Patrizia Toia. It was divided into two parts focussing on the serious problem of youth unemployment in Europe and on the low level of participation of young people in the democratic process.

“Youth unemployment is a symptom of an economy that is not working (…) and is driven by speculation,” said Bishop Juan José Omella of Calahorra e Calzada-Logroño, in Spain.  Fr John d’Andrea, President of Salesians for Social Commitment, spoke of the importance of all round formation of the younger generation: “Education is a matter of the heart, a transmission of values which should include formation and information, skills and values to produce men and women who will be good citizens and good professionals.”

On the question of youth participation, the final communiqué is clear: “Young people want the European Union to face up to the problem of unemployment not only for them but with them. They see themselves having an active part to play in solving the problem – through their participation in the social life and political decisions that have to be taken; through their personal talents and gifts which can be recognized through a new model of education; through their creativity and entrepreneurial skills which need to be supported.”

The conference ended with an appeal to young people to make their voice heard, especially in the European Parliamentary elections to be held in May 2014.

Published 11/09/2013

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