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30/8/2013 - Democratic Republic of Congo - In God’s name, let us live
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(ANS – Goma) – While the world’s media focus on the tensions in the Middle East, Central Africa is bleeding on account of the armed conflict taking place there.

Since 20 August, there has been an increase in fighting and violence about 20 km from the Salesian House in Ngangi, as the Rector, Fr Piero Gavioli, reports. “Artillery fire can be heard and there is shooting between the rebels of the M23 group and the regular army. It is hard to tell at the moment how many have died among the armed forces and the civilian population.”

Last night at about 9.00 p.m., two bombs fell on the district of Mabanga and Katoy, causing death, panic and anger among the people. This morning a bomb fell on Gisenyi, killing one woman and injuring her son. Today the fighting to the North of Goma continues without interruption.

“People returning from Kigali have warned us that many armed tanks and lorries full of soldiers are on their way to Goma and the border with Congo. It appears that Rwanda – which has always denied involvement in the conflict in Eastern Congo – seems ready to enter the war.”

Fr Gavioli went on to say: “Ours is a forgotten war, “invisible” to the international community. Western newspapers speak of those who have died in the Middle East, and rightly so. But I believe that the number of men, women and children who continue to die in Congo, because of war and its consequences - hunger, deprivation, sickness, forced migration etc. - are more numerous. It has been said that this long war, which began about 20 years ago, has had about 6 million victims.

“We pray every day with the children for peace. Is there anyone who will take seriously the cry that goes up from the poor people of this region?”

On 24 August, Bishop Théophile of the diocese of Goma Kaboy launched a heartbroken appeal to the consciences of the local authorities, of governments and of the international community, to bring the violence in the region to an end. “In God’s name, let us live.”

Published 30/08/2013

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