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14/8/2013 - Democratic Republic of Congo - Fr. Basañes Starts the Extraordinary Visitation
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(ANS - Lubumbashi) - Friday, 9 August, Fr. Guillermo Basañes, representing the Rector Major, arrived in Lubumbashi to start the Extraordinary Visitation for the Central Africa Province (AFC).

The Extraordinary Visitation is a moment of grace for the Province, during which it can directly experience the attention and paternal care of the superiors of the Congregation. Fr. Basañes gave a good example of that by making a visit,  already in the evening of Friday 9, to the Salesian community of Carrefour, which houses the elderly or sick Salesians of the Province.

In the afternoon of Saturday, the 10th, he then made the visit to the Provincial House and had a meeting with the AFC Provincial Council. On Sunday, August 11, the Regional Councillor presided over the closing Mass of the first AFC Congress of the Association of Salesian Cooperators (SSCC), which began a few days before, under the guidance of the SSCC spiritual animator, Fr. Besa Dieudonné.

Also on Sunday, Fr. Basañes presided over the installation ceremony of Fr. Germain Kivungila as rector of the Provincial House and made some brief remarks on the role of the Salesian Rector.

The next day, Aug. 12, the anniversary of his priestly ordination, Fr. Basañes began his visit to the other houses in the Province, going first to the St. Francis de Sales community in Imara.

Fr. Basañes will conclude this AFC Extraordinary Visitation on November 21, 2013.

Posted on 14/08/2013

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