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5/8/2013 - Brazil - A Salesian Pilgrimage, from the United States to Rio
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(ANS – Rio de Janeiro) – More than a week after the end of World Youth Day, the echoes of enthusiasm and faith born in Rio de Janeiro are still very much alive in the hearts of many of those who took part. Here we offer a testimony from one of the United States Delegation.  

“One of the aspects of Rio 2013 that stands out most for me was the genuinely Salesian feel that the pilgrimage experience held for me and for many of the others with whom I was privileged to journey in Brazil. – said Fr. Abraham N. Feliciano, SDB, Youth Ministry Delegate of the Eastern United States Province – Some of the reasons for this were quite deliberate and explicitly Salesian, such as the Worldwide Salesian Youth Movement Forum, while others were much more subtle and unanticipated”.

The two SDB North American provinces were able enough to send a delegation of 64 members to participate in this year’s WYD. The participants hailed from all around the United States. Rain poured down on all of the pilgrims during the opening prayer service, and for all of the first three days. But the rain couldn’t dampen the spirits, as the grace of the moment filled everyone with the joy of this singular and intense experience of Church. An authentic and palpable spirit of optimism and joy pervaded. The smiles were no less in number, the laughter no less loud, and the prayer no less devout.

There was also a genuine sense of family spirit among the pilgrims from all nations. Fr Feliciano spoke: “In a very real sense, it felt as though we were gathered with three million friends and family. Those of us who come from the Salesian world continued to find each other throughout Rio, often greeting each other with shouts of “Viva Don Bosco!”. In addition, we were treated to an experience of Salesian Family in Niteroi on the day of the SYM Forum and party, where Fr. Chavez and Mother Yvonne Reungoat spent time with their spiritual sons and daughters in moments of prayer, discussion, meals, and family fun”.

Lastly, it felt as though everyone did meet Pope Francis personally. His glances and his words all felt directed at each pilgrim who was present. He didn’t speak merely to the crowds before him. He spoke to each one directly, especially the youths who were present. And he challenged them in a very Salesian way, reminding them of their call to discipleship in the here and now, and their current ability to be missionaries and evangelizers as youths, to youths today.

“Many of us felt our hearts swell with joy and pride when he stated, ‘Do you know what the best tool is for evangelizing the young? Another young person. This is the path to follow!’ Though Pope Francis is a Jesuit, and he chose the name of the founder of the Franciscans, he clearly showed that he was educated by the sons of St. John Bosco and has true Salesian DNA” said Fr Feliciano.

This pilgrimage was truly a moment of grace for all those in attendance, but it was a special opportunity to be renewed as Salesian disciples, committed to bringing the love and message of Jesus to the young the world over, especially to those most in need.

Published 05/08/2013

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