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2/8/2013 - Brazil - The Missionary Week Experience of some Young Mexicans
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(ANS – Niterói) – Many young people took part in the Missionary Week that preceded World Youth Day. Francis Botello, a leader in the SYM, recounts the missionary experience that he shared with 80 young people from the Province of Mexico City. They were in the parish of Our Lady Help of Christians in Laranjal, Sao Gonçalo.

This is a large community near the cities of Niterói and Rio de Janeiro. Most of the people who live there work in one of the big cities nearby. It is a suburban area. On first impression, it seems to be lacking in resources but rich in spirituality.

The group of 80 Mexicans arrived in Brazil on 14 July at 4.00 a.m. after a ten-hour journey. Despite the early hour, the parish community was at the airport to give them a warm cheerful welcome. “They opened the doors of their homes and of their hearts to us,” Francis says.

“We were really struck by the powerful spiritual and apostolic experience we had as we saw their strong social commitment on behalf of the poor, the sick and the homeless. The witness of their simple but intense prayer, full of trust and with great general participation, was an encouragement to us to imitate them and to grow in our faith. The sharing was rich and wonderful, thanks to the openness of the Brazilians and their readiness to share with us their varied and interesting culture of music, dance, food, celebration, friendship and joy.”

The young Mexicans visited the homes in the parish and everywhere they were received with open arms, even by families that were not Catholic. Everybody was hospitable and willing in to help.

“We were sad to leave the parish of Our Lady Help of Christians because we had become friends with so many of the people. We felt we were brothers and sisters in the faith, even though previously we had not known each other. At the same time, however, we were happy in our hearts because Brazil is now also our home. We have brothers and sisters in the faith there, and we pray for each other.”

Published 02/08/2013

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