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19/7/2013 - Brazil - First time for the Salesian Youth Movement in America
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(ANS – Niterói) – Yesterday afternoon, 18 July, the Continental Meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in the American Continent got under way. This is the first ever meeting of delegates of the young people from all the provinces and countries of America and the Caribbean who live by the charism of Don Bosco. About 300 young people, Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, cheerfully invaded the Salesian House of Santa Rosa in Niterói which will be the headquarters of the SYM for the coming days.

Preparations for the meeting have been going on for a long time.  World Youth Day served as the catalyst to bring together the Youth Ministry Departments of the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians as the promoters of this initiative.

The opening took place yesterday evening. After a brief reflection, proceedings began with the introduction of the delegations and a reminder from the organizers of the purpose of the meeting.

The young people taking part in the American Continental Meeting represent 41 provinces – 22 of the Salesians and 19 of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Altogether, 17 countries of America and the Caribbean are represented.

The meeting is intended to consolidate the identity and growth of the SYM, and to develop their awareness of the value of the testimony of young people and lay people in the Church and in the nations of the American Continent.

Fr Fabio Attard e Sr. Maria del Carmen Canales, Youth Ministry Councillors of the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, contributed through a video message in which they recalled the objectives of the meeting and encouraged the young people to produce deep genuine fruits. They expressed their appreciation for the long task of preparation done in the provinces, which now, culminating in this Continental Meeting, will make the SYM a living presence in the Church and in society of the lay youthful spirituality of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. “The soul of the Salesian Youth Movement,” said Fr Attard, “is Salesian Youth Spirituality.” The two Councillors will arrive in Niterói in the next few days to take part in the conclusion of the Continental Meeting. Their video messageis available on the channel You Tube Bosco2013.

The SYM on the American Continent is called to overcome some challenges both internal and external. For the young people, the major internal challenge is to develop their ability to work together by coordinating the various bodies in different provinces and nations, and create co-responsibility and synergy among themselves. For the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the challenge is to make the movement a journey of growth and evangelization that will help the young people to discover the vocational aspect of their lives. 

The external challenges are to overcome, by the Christian witness of their lives, the wave of secularism and relativism that is spreading in many countries of America, and, on the social front, to become serious prophets and promoters of human rights, especially in those areas where these are under threat from poverty and need.

The organization of this Continental Meeting was made possible, first of all, by the work of the preparatory commission, composed of young people, Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.  They were greatly assisted by the financial and logistic support of the Salesian Family in Brazil; of Ciudad Don Bosco in Medellin, which saw to the printing of the manual that they young people will use; and of the local Salesian community in Santa Rosa.

The Continental Meeting can be followed on the site the following social networks:

  • Facebook: /bosco2013
  • Instagram e Twitter: bosco2013 - @bosco2013
  • You Tube: mjsbosco2013

Published 19/07/2013

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