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5/7/2013 - RMG - Salesian saints of July
Photo for the article -RMG – SALESIAN SAINTS OF JULY

(ANS - Rome) - The Salesian liturgical calendar for July recalls Blessed Maria Romero Meneses, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians. Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General of the Salesian Family, traces a brief profile.

July 7, Blessed Maria Romero Meneses

The story of Maria Romero Meneses, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, a Nicaraguan by birth and a Costa Rican by adoption, is characterised by an untiring apostolic activity, which gave rise to great social works and was based on unlimited confidence in the Help of Christians, whom she called "my Queen". With a keen Gospel and church sensitivity she won her young students to her apostolic passion, and they became "missionaries" (misioneritas, as Sr Maria called them) in the villages, among semi-abandoned children and destitute families. Even adults, wealthy entrepreneurs and renowned professionals, were won over by her devotion to Mary that obtained amazing graces, and they felt committed to actively collaborate with Sr Maria in the welfare schemes that she, under the action of the Spirit, was continually planning with that boldness that springs from a most authentic faith in Providence.

In the midst of a succession of works to be organised, and the particular work she did as a spiritual counsellor (daily, hour upon hour of challenging private talks, her so-called "consultas") she found space and time to ardently raise her spirit to God and live an intense mystical life, which was the source of that inner strength from which her apostolate flowed and received its extraordinary effectiveness. Her ideal: to love Jesus "her King" deeply, and to spread devotion to him alongside that to his divine Mother. Her greatest joy was being able to lead children, the poor, the suffering and the marginalised, to the truth of the Gospel. The reward she most desired for her sacrifices was to see peace and faith bloom again in a life that had been "lost".

Sr Mary's faith moved mountains. Those who came into contact with her, remained marked with the seal of faith in God. Her faith was a spiritual dynamism that led her to find the solution to many different cases. The means to obtain faith were prayer and forgiveness. For her, "faith is believing in God who is our Father and loves us." Because she was united to Christ she bore much fruit and many recognised and experienced the goodness of this abundant harvest of grace and goodness.

Published on 05/07/2013

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