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3/7/2013 - Colombia - Social Communication in houses of formation
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(ANS - Medellín) - Following the guideline proposed by the Department for Social Communications, the communications team of the Medellín Province ran a course for Salesians in formation in the Postnovitiate "Blessed Philip Rinaldi", 6 to 8 June, and for those of the "Sacred Heart" Novitiate, 12 to 14 June.

In line with the provisions of the Salesian Social Communication System (6.2.2 Action area policies  - Formation), and art. 82 of the Regulations, the organisers created a well-structured training day, which touched on issues such as effective and assertive communication, journalistic genres, the basic principles of design, photography and video, and audio-visual production, with a methodology that fostered teamwork and the participation of all the members of the houses. Thus all the concepts shared by the team of communication professionals in the Province were put into practice.

The experience was very meaningful for all participants, thanks to the experience they gained, the family atmosphere, the dynamic work environment, the moments of joy, sharing of ideas and creativity ... In this way the results obtained, both in course evaluations, and in the final productions, showed the specific Salesian content of the mission for young people.

The next session of the course takes place in the "Blessed Michael Rua" Aspirantate and Prenovitiate in Rionegro, 16 to 18 July. At the end of this trip around the formation houses of this part in the Province, all that has been produced will be shared on the Province website:

Published on 03/07/2013

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