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28/6/2013 - Italy - Porto di Terra project
Photo for the article -ITALY - PORTO DI TERRA PROJECT

(ANS – Rome) – “Porto di Terra” is the name given to a training programme for young immigrants at the Salesian House of Sacro Cuore, in via Marsala, Rome. The project was made possible thanks to funding from Alleanza Toro, an insurance company of the Generali Group.
The project began last April. It is coordinated by the Salesian Social Services in collaboration with the Salesian Community at Sacro Cuore, the Association CNOS-FAP for the Lazio Region and the Missionary Sisters of the Risen Christ. The objective is to assist the social integration of refugees and help them to find work. It is part of a programme of social solidarity, building on the experience of a similar project last year.

“Our objective is to contribute to the training of the younger generation (Italian and foreign), to help their skills training in order to enable them to emerge from situations of disadvantage, marginalization and social difficulty. It is also our aim to offer assistance and support to families with children in difficult situations of sickness or crisis” - so said the representative of Alleanza Toro. They checked out numerous requests for funding and chose the “Porto di Terra” project as the most suitable.

These young people are forced to flee their own country because of a well-founded fear of persecution. They are asking the Italian Government to give recognition to some form of protection. Forced by necessity to find a home in a country that is not their own, they have to find their place and role in a new social context.
Every day they have to face language difficulties, problems of integration, and distrust on the part of others, as well as a lack of recognition of their qualifications and competence. Their greatest problem is that of finding work. This makes their already complex situation almost unbearable for young people of their age.
120 young people are taking part in the project. The activities are varied and include Italian language courses, computer workshops, driving instruction, and courses for the junior school certificate.

One of the activities planned is a guidance course, conducted by professionals, that will enable the young people to choose, depending on their ability, previous knowledge and experience, the training programme for which they are best suited, one that will lead to their requalification and will be recognised in this country.

There is a plan also for ten of them to be accepted by a company or enterprise, on work experience. This will enable them to acquire a trade and to find employment.

The Porto di Terra will finish at the end of March 2014.

Published 28/06/2013

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