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29/5/2013 - Spain - Cardinal Amigo Vallejo visits the Salesian Institute for the 50th anniversary of the work
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(ANS – Jerez de la Frontera) –Card. Carlos Amigo Vallejo, Archbishop Emeritus of Seville, took part in celebrations last week to mark the 50th Anniversary of the “Manuel Lora Tamayo” Salesian Institute at Jerez de la Frontera. These included a reception in the Church attached to the Institute on Thursday 23 May, and a Mass and solemn procession the following day, the Feast of Mary Help of Christians.

The Archbishop Emeritus of Seville was welcomed by the Mayor, María José García-Pelayo, and by Lydia Menacho, Councillor for Education and Youth, and Isabel Paredes, Councillor for Social Welfare, Equality and Health, by the Rector of the Salesian Institute, Fr Antonio Fernando Reyes García, and by representatives of the entire educative community.  The presence of the Cardinal attracted so many people that the Church of Mary Help of Christians was not big enough to hold them all.

In his speech the Mayor addressed the Salesians and said: “Today is a great day, one more great day for this community and for Jerez. I want to thank you for your immense generosity in involving all the citizens in celebrating the anniversary of the Salesian community.” He went on to express his thanks also to the Cardinal of whom he requested prayers for the city.

The most moving words were those of the Cardinal himself: “Jerez is not only the city in which you were born. It is a style, a way of life, an essence, a language. Jerez has left its mark on many aspects of our culture. I am very happy here, because here we have common values, such as the love of God and love of people. This is the great value of this city. Nobody feels a stranger here, everybody feels at home.”

The Cardinal then referred to the specific reason for his visit to the city, the occasion of the Salesian anniversary,   and he made reference also to Don Bosco. “We need Don Bosco, because in difficult times we cannot just stand with our arms folded. They are times of opportunity.”

The Salesian community continued its festivities the following day, with a solemn Mass at which Cardinal Carlos Amigo presided, and the procession in honour of Mary Help of Christians. This year, on account of the anniversary, the procession started from the Convent of the Capuchins which was the location of the first Salesian Educative Centre in the city.
Published 29/05/2013

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