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24/5/2013 - Democratic Republic of Congo - Goma: yesterday, today ... and tomorrow?

(ANS – Goma) – Northern Kivu is being bombarded, innocent people are dying, the frightened people are leaving the refugee camps. The Don Bosco Centre has opened its doors once more, while the international community promises support and assistance.  The Rector of the Salesian centre, Fr Piero Gavioli, writes of the things they have seen in the recent past and he asks, “What about tomorrow?”   

On Wednesday we heard the firing of cannons drawing closer. It lasted all morning and into the early afternoon. Then silence, hard to understand.

A bomb fell in the Ndosho area, near the Parish Church of St Francis Xavier. A little girl of four was killed, a little boy lost an arm, another a leg, others were wounded. In the afternoon, another bomb exploded near the same area. An eleven year old boy was killed and many were injured. There have been tens of people killed and wounded among the combatants.

The bombs that fell near the camps at Mugunga caused many of the inhabitants to flee. According to France-Presse, 30,000 fled the camps. We believe that many of these will come to seek refuge at the Don Bosco Centre.

Yesterday morning (editor’s note: 22 May) when the sound of the bombs became insistent, we sent the children home. Together with other priests, we were hearing the students’ confessions in preparation for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians, in the big hall that serves as a chapel. When one bomb made a louder noise than usual, one of the boys intoned a hymn in Swahili which they all took up with great fervour: “Bwana Yesu Mchunga wangu…  Lord Jesus, my shepherd, keep me close to you, take away all fear from my life, grant that I may reach the heavenly city where there is joy and peace ... “.

In Spain there are the “indignados” against social exclusion. In France there is the movement of the “veilleurs” against gay marriage. I dream that everywhere in the world there may be indignant people who will rise up and protest on behalf of the millions of children and adults who are deprived of the right to life and peace. We cannot allow ourselves to become accustomed to things like this. We must at least stay awake in prayer, and in visible protest against what is happening.

On Thursday, M23 declared a truce to allow Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, to visit Goma. In the course of his visit, which lasted three hours, Ban Ki-moon declard the support of the international community for the Democratic Republic of Congo. He stressed that we cannot wait any longer to ensure security in the area, respect for human rights, health, education, safety of minors and of women ... But will these remain mere words, or will there be a programme of action respected by all?

Today, (editor’s note: 23 May) in fact, the truce has been respected and we have been able to carry on our normal activities, with a full scholastic programme. We were able to play the final rounds to the tournament organized for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians. Even in the city, most of the schools, banks and shops are open.

The Don Bosco Centre has been chosen by the group coordinating humanitarian assistance to shelter the refugees provisionally. They are thinking in terms of ten to fifteen days. If the war ends, the displaced people will be able to return to their homes. Otherwise, they will be taken to larger, better organized camps. We have given them the three large football fields which are around the Centre. The various UN humanitarian agencies will put up tents, dig latrines, bring food and water. Monica, who works with the VIS (International Voluntary Organization for Development), will see to the coordination of the various aid initiatives.

We do not know what will happen tomorrow. We know only that the Good Shepherd and Mary Help of Christians will guard us in their mercy. 

Published 24/05/2013

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