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22/5/2013 - Democratic Republic of Congo - What is happening at Goma?
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(ANS – Goma) – Once again Northern Kivu is experiencing scenes of conflict and violence, particularly in the capital Goma. Fr Piero Gavioli, SDB, Rector of the Don Bosco Centre Ngangi, speaks on behalf of the people there, who want only peace. What follows is a summary of the news he sent us in recent days:

This is just one more chapter in a sad story that has lasted twenty years. A little more than a year ago, a group of military rebels called M23 mutinied. They referred back to the accord signed on 23 March 2009 – hence the name M23 – between the Kinshasa government and those who had fought in the rebellion in Kunda which had lasted several months. This new rebellion is supported by Rwanda and Uganda. Its aim is to demand the implementation of the 2009 agreement which, according to them, has not been put into practice. Its leader is Bosco Ntaganda, sought by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where he is at present.

At the end of November 2012, after a series of attacks and withdrawals, M23 occupied Goma for ten days, and then withdrew a few kilometres to the north. It continues its military occupation and economic exploitation of a good part of Northern Kivu.

As a result of international pressure, the government and the rebels met in Kampala, but did not reach an accord. The countries of the Great Lakes region have decided to send an African Intervention Force to Goma. This will probably be in operation in three months’ time and should lead to a reduction in the armed groups. These were recently counted and said to number 27, but new groups are being formed every day.

On Monday 20 May, M23 unleashed an attack against the government forces at Kibati, 12 km north of Goma. It is our belief that this was intended to prevent or delay the proposed intervention.  This led to the umpteenth exodus of refugees, mainly women and children, seeking security. Many of them came to the Don Bosco Centre at Ngangi.

That night was quiet. Yesterday, 21 May, classes carried on as usual, but shooting could be heard in Kibati (12 km to the north). Obviously there is no definite news. Each side accuses the other of starting the previous day’s shooting. There are no negotiations in progress.
At the Don Bosco Centre, we are all well and we continue to do our work. They have asked us if we can accept refugees as we did six months ago. I replied that we could do so in cases of extreme urgency. For the moment, we are a few weeks away from the end of the school year, and we would like the pupils of our schools to finish the year as near to normally as possible.

We are waiting for events to develop. Help us with your prayers. If you have contact with ministers or parliamentarians, tell them not to forget these people who are suffering because of a war for which they do not know the reason. [...] Sustain our courage with your prayers and tell the world that Goma is undergoing yet another senseless slaughter.

In his letters, Fr Gavioli refers to a message sent on 6 May last by Bishop Théophile Kaboy of Goma.  In it the Bishop denounced the climate of insecurity which had been reigning in the area for two weeks, making it impossible for women and farmers to work in the fields for fear of violence, kidnapping of minors to be enrolled in the militia or for sexual abuse, extortion, abduction for the sake of ransom and the emergence of tribal tensions.

Fr Pascual Chávez replied to Fr Gavioli telling him that last weekend at Fatima, when he met the young people and members of the Salesian Family, he had entrusted the people of Goma and of all the war areas to the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Rector Major also assured him that he would make representations with ministers and parliamentarians that the people of Goma not be forgotten. He promised that Goma would remain at the centre of our prayers, especially during the celebrations at Valdocco for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians on 24 May.

Published 22/05/2013

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