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21/5/2013 - Morocco - 75 years of Salesian work at Kenitra
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(ANS – Kenitra) – The Salesian work at Kenitra is celebrating these days its 75 years in existence. The first Salesians led by Fr Leon Beissiere, arrived in the city in 1937. Kenitra is about 30 km north of Rabat. Then it was just a small town. Now it has 800,000 inhabitants.

Many activities were organized throughout the whole of the scholastic year as part of the celebration of 75 years. The main event was held last Thursday 15 May. Among those who took part were the diocesan authorities and government representatives, teachers and students and their families, past pupils and friends of the work. Also present were Fr Daniel Ferderspiel, who has recently been appointed as Provincial of the French Province on which the community in Kenitra depends, and Fr Cristóbal López, the present Provincial of Bolivia and a former Rector of the community.

In the course of the past 75 years, about 180 teachers, foreigners and Moroccans, taught in the school while about 50 Salesians were engaged in animation of the various sectors – the parish, the elementary school, the Higher Institute, the “JUK-Spel” Technical School and the JUK (oratory) association.

The work has survived difficult times and situations, such as the Second World War, the Independence of the country and the nationalization of the property. In all these circumstances, the Salesian Centre stood out for its courage, loyalty and initiative, sticking always to its task of serving the young, without distinction, and with the openness that is part of the Preventive System of Don Bosco.

Still today the work continues to grow, through various renewal processes. Teachers and parents pay particular attention to putting into practice, handing on and strengthening the spirit of Don Bosco.

To mark the 75th anniversary, a book has been published entitled “I love my school. I admire its history – 75 years of the work of Don Bosco”. It includes memories of teachers, students who remember their time there with joy, and parents who entrusted their children to the Salesian method of education.

At present the work is run by three Salesians with the help of lay collaborators. They take care of about 1,200 Muslim pupils in the elementary school, the Higher Institute and the Technical School. They also minister to 120 Catholics mostly from Sub-Saharan Africa who attend the parish, and are responsible for a great number of other initiatives including cultural and sporting activities.
Published 21/05/2013

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