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14/5/2013 - Peru - Campaign to Restore the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians

(ANS – Lima) – In this month dedicated to Mary, the St Rose of Lima Province has launched a campaign to raise funds to complete the work of restoration of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in the capital. On 18 August this year a huge lottery will take place with prizes for the lucky winners of six cars and 200 electrical domestic products.
The Basilica was built in the first two decades of the 20th Century, thanks to the generosity of the Peruvian people and thousands of devotees of Mary Help of Christians throughout the world. It was dedicated in 1921 on the occasion of the centenary of the country by the civil and ecclesiastical authorities of the time, as an act of homage of the Peruvian people to God. The passing of time, and two earthquakes, affected the structure and the works of art of the Basilica, which is a symbol of the devotion and patrimony of Peru.

In 2011, the Salesians of Peru started a campaign through the Don Bosco Foundation for the restoration of the Basilica. With the Riffa Pro Restauro of 2011 and the collaboration of numerous benefactors, 45% of the funds needed were raised. Work has already begun. The walls have been reinforced, the vaults and the structure repaired, the paintings restored and the Austrian windows repaired.

However, they still need to raise 55% of the funds, and so the Second Riffa Pro Restauro of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians has been launched.  The money raised will be used to rebuild the main tower, complete the restoration of the paintings and the other works of art for which this Marian Shrine is noted, and renew the electrical plant.

As part of the publicity strategy for the event, the Salesians of Peru have invited several Peruvian personalities to join the initiative. To date twenty celebrities have lent their support. Two promotional videos with profiles of the Salesians have been made and distributed on the social networks and on Catholic radio and television.

For example, videos of the noted journalist Milagros Leiva, herself a Salesian past pupil, and of Gisela Valcárcel, a famous TV personality, have already been published.

All this has been possible due to the collaboration between the Don Bosco Foundation, the Centre for Pastoral Formation and the Centre for Communications.   In the same way, the Salesian Family joined the campaign and is contributing to the restoration project by spreading the word and by active support of the Riffa.

Further information is available of the website of the Salesians of Peru. 

Published 14/05/2013

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