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11/4/2013 - Argentina - Salesians come to the help of flood victims
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(ANS – Buenos Aires) – Following the damage caused by the rainfall on 2-3 April over the whole metropolitan area of Buenos Aires including the city of La Plata and surrounding areas, various Salesian works in Argentina, coordinated by that of Bernal, took part in an initiative to help the victims. Their motto was “everyone can offer a gesture of solidarity”.

The projects undertaken by youth groups and members of the Salesian communities, included support to people who had lost property, suffered damage to their homes, or were without water, electricity, communications or transport as a result of the floods.

On Sunday 7 April, after several days of flooding, Fr Roque Cella, from the Community  of the Sacred Heart in La Plata, spoke to the newspaper Diario El Sol. “Until now”, he said, “we were completely cut off – no electricity, no fixed line phones, no mobile phones once the  batteries were run down, and no e-mail. We had no drinking water, but there were two metres of water in the basement where there is a large Function Room. We lost almost all the tables and chairs. Thank God, all the Salesians are in good health. We discovered water also in some of the classrooms, and are still not able to resume classes. Electricity has just now been restored and we are starting the various services. The view in the city is devastating, especially on account of the number of dead and missing persons.”  

The most urgent needs are for mattresses, blankets, sheets and pillows, bottled water, shoes, nappies, cleaning products, toiletries, long-lasting milk and non-perishable foods. These are collected, sorted and brought to different centres for distribution, such as the Church of St Cajetan, the Marin Institute, and all the parishes of the city of La Plata.

The Michael Magone group from the Oratory joined in this solidarity initiative, working with the Rete Solidaria to organize various donations. One of the people in charge of the group said, “After contacting the Rete, which had already begun work and needed help in organizing donations, we asked some oratory members to help in this activity. The response was immediate and positive. Many boys, and their families, spent last Saturday, 6 April, collecting and distributing goods to stricken families at Bella Vista (Corrientes) and La Plata (Buenos Aires)”
Apart from material help, the Salesians in Argentina have asked all to join in prayer for people in difficult circumstances who are suffering as a result of this disaster, because, as they say, “everyone can offer a gesture of solidarity.”

For further infromation, contact the Procura Missionaria Salesiana - Don Bosco National Centre for Direct Care:

Published 11/04/2013

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