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10/4/2013 - RMG - Collecting data for GC27 Statistics

(ANS – Rome) – The data-collecting process for drawing up the combined statistics of the Congregation to be presented to GC27 has begun. Those involved in the process are provincial secretaries and provincial delegates for formation, youth ministry, social communication.

Informing provincials through a brief letter, Fr Francesco Cereda, Moderator of GC27, officially set the processes in motion for collecting data from provinces, vice provinces and other circumscriptions, in view of presenting these data to GC27.

All this effort, which began some time ago with the involvement of the provincial delegate for social communications (in his or her case, online data collection) is now being extended to other areas of the Salesian mission and presence.

Provincial secretaries, and delegates for formation and youth ministry will receive modules in the coming days to be filled out according to their area of responsibility, furnishing data as it would be for 15 June 2013. This date is in fact the date of reference for the many of the formation, education, pastoral meetings in various parts of the Congregation. Having this data will provide us with a snapshot of the state of the mission and Salesian activity.

At a later moment the Secretary Genera will be asking provincial secretaries for the relevant data for the “flash”, to be completed by 31 December. This in turn provides a snapshot of the personnel situation in the Congregation.

These two sets of data will be brought together in a single document to be read, satudied and analysed and commented on at GC27.

Published 10/04/2013

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