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2/4/2013 - Sri Lanka - Extraordinary Visitation of the Vice Province concludes
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(ANS – Dungalpitiya) – On 27th March 2013, the Extraordinary Visitation of the Vice Province of Sri Lanka by the Regional for South Asia, Fr Maria Arokiam Kanaga, concluded with a closing conference at 9.00 a.m. and the Eucharist at 11.30 a.m. About 28 Rectors, Administrators and leaders of Communities from the island nation gathered at the Provincial House at Dungalpitiya for the event.

In his presentation, Fr.Kanaga outlined his evaluation of the state of the province and encouraged the Vice Province to boldly opt to re-structure and re-launch in keeping with the needs of the times. He further highlighted the need to break free from the mould of technical education catering to factories to empowerment of youth for opportunities in the service industry. He suggested also that they explore options to begin newer initiatives around specialised academic education through English medium-based International schools.

Since they have established 2 parishes he encouraged them to cater more to Catholics with some parishes as the launch-pad for our youth services in the post-war scenario. The visitation gains significance from being the first review after the close of the 30 year-long civil war and the move by the Salesians to open more presences in the northern part of the country.

The visitation, which took Fr Kanaga to over 16 presences all over the country right through the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday on 15th February, closed on the eve of Maundy Thursday. Sri Lanka opened up to the ministry of the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1956 with the first centre at Negombo and currently has 63 Salesians serving 16 centres around the island, mostly catering to the technical education segment following the nationalisation of all academic schools by the government in the early 1960s.

Sri Lanka encompasses a territory 65,610 square kilometers, divided into 7 provinces, with a population of 20 million. This makes it the 53rd most populous country in the world with 70% of the population Buddhists and 7.4% Christians.

Published 28/03/2013

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