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15/3/2013 - Portugal - 20th National Salesian Games
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(ANS – Lisbon) – The 20th National Salesian Games were held from 7-10 March 2013, at the Salesian Oficinas de S. José school, Lisbon. There was a very large involvment of 1,200 young people, trainers and teachers from 18 Saelsian aand Salesian Sisters' schools. There were competitions in five-a- side football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, chess and table tennis.

“The National Games show the vitality of the Salesian Youth Movement, and have direct reference to Don Bosco and the values of Salesian spirituality” the Provincial, Fr Artur Pereira, said.

On Thursday afternoon, 7 March, around 9000 youngsters filled the Atlantico Pavilion, in the Expo 98 complex, in the presence of the Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon, Joaquim Mendes. Everyone was there with the same aim: to play a part in the opening ceremony. After a welcome from the Rector of the Salesian school in Lisbon, Fr Simão Cruz, and the Provincial, there was a parade of athletes, followed by a wonderful spectacle of music, theatre and multimedia, telling the story of Salesian Lisbon. Students from Year One to Twelve took part, along with teachers, administrative staff, other teachers and students from the music, gymnastics and arts departments involved in the display.

The two days that followed were given over to the competitions.  There was plenty of enthusiasm, involvement and sporting prowess on show. The organisation saw that free time offered occasions for amusement, socialising and visiting some of the main attractions in the Portuguese capital.

On Sunday the 10th, finally, Fr Pereira celebrated Mass in the Church of Mary Help of Christians. Then there was a closing ceremony with a number of artistic performances and words of farewell from the Rector and Principal of the school. Awards were given out to the various delegations present and the 20th National Salesian Games thus came to a fitting close. The next Games will be held at the school in Estoril.

Young people who spoke of the National Salesian Games later were grateful for the fact that they are a concrete and effective way of experiencing Don Bosco's pedagogy, where young people can link faith and life, play an active role ad teachers can support them in this.

The organisation of the Games saw the essential involvement of some 200 volunteers.

Published 15/03/2013

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