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7/3/2013 - Italy - Beyond the crisis: responsible, supportive financing

(ANS – Rome) – As part of the Humanities Cultural Week, last Monday 4 March, at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) Rome, a Conference on “Beyond the crisis: responsible, supportive financing” took place. There were many present from the Church, the academic world, business and media.

The Conference, which lasted an entire day, was organised by the Philosophy Faculty at the UPS together with the Communications Faculty and the “Nuova Costruttività” Association with the support of the SRI Group.

The Rector Magnificus of the UPS, Fr Carlo Nanni, Bishop Lorenzo Leuzzi, auxiliary in Rome, and representatives of other partners in the initiative opened proceedings. The program then developed over in 4 consecutive sessions, each dedicated to a specific aspect of the general theme. In the following order:

  • From money to finance: an historical and philosophical excursus
  • What kind of financing is responsible?
  • What kind of financing is supportive?
  • What are the criteria for responsible and supportive financing?

The number of addresses given were then summarised at the end of the day by the Dean of the Philosophy Faculty, Fr Luis Rosón Galache, and by Bishop Mario Toso, Salesian, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

“Beyond the more technical aspects of the financial crisis, we believe that fundamental elements of an anthropological, ethical nature have to be tackled and we could also say metaphysical and theological elements, precisely so we can understand what is happening from a broader perspective, and offer responses that are more durable and effective” Fr Mauro Mantovani, Dean of the Communications Faculty, said, responding to questions from Radio Vaticana.

He went on: “It emerged that we need to focus on an education based on values of the primacy of the person in relationship, solidarity and subsidiarity by enterprise and banks, following new models where there is greater simplicity and attention to what is essential. They are terms everyone uses, however we need to understand them more effectively! And then it is a question of a more equitable distribution of resources, transparency, and local understanding”.

He concluded: “Especially in the address by Bishop Toso we saw the importance of regulation of finance at an international level…, a world level authority…who has to effectively carry out what is said in  ‘Caritas in Veritate’ i.e.: the idea of the common good at intentional, world level. Benedict XVI in ‘Caritas in Veritate’ speaks of our understating the sens of our being one human family: today it seems that the fact that there is the common good of a single human family is under discussion. We wanted to insist on the importance of this common universal good of all humankind and each individual, in promoting his dignity”.

The Rector Major and Grand Chancellor of the UPS, Fr Pascual Chávez, offered a message recalling Salesian philosopher and theologian, Fr Tommaso Demaria, and praised the initiative of this Conference “in view of the holistic development of the individual and society”.

Published 07/03/2013

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