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6/3/2013 - Poland - National formation meeting for Salesian Brothers
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(ANS – Krakow) – Around 15 Salesian Brothers from 4 Polish Provinces took part in the National Formation meeting for Salesian Brothers from 26 February to 1 March. The meeting was held at the Salesian theologate in Krakow.

Fr Zenon Klawikowski, in charge of the spirituality centre at Ląd led the meeting along with Bro. Zdzisław Brzęk, from the provincial community in Krakow. They spoke on: “I know who I believed in” and “The Salesian Brother in the light of recent General Chapter and General Council documents”, both followed by time for reflection and discussion in assembly.

Those taking part showed much interest and involvement during the work sessions. The brief work “Salesian dressed in layman's clothes” was of considerable help. It was written by Bro. Brzęk for this occasion. Along with Bro. Sebastian Wiśniewski, also a Brother from Krakow Province, he helped organize the event. Bro. Wiśniewski, as well as taking care of logistical aspects of the meeting, also acted as guide the for the religious and cultural exploration of the life of Blessed John Paul II, a visit that took in the Shrine at Łagiewniki, the John Paul II Centre, and his birthplace at Wadowice, Krakow city centre, the provincial house and parish at Dębniki where Servant of God Jan Tyranowski, who taught Karol Wojtyla in his youth, is buried.

The culminating moment of each day was always the Eucharist, celebrated by Fr Zenon or Fr Wojciech Krawczyk, Rector and director at the theologate, but aniamted by the Brothers themselves. The days also concluded with the typical Salesian Good Night, given by Fr Dariusz Bartocha, Provincial, Krakow, and by the Provincial Delegate for Social Communication and the editor of the Polish Salesian Bulletin, Fr Adam Świta. 

As well as achieving its principle formation aim, the event also fostered fellowship and sharing amongst Salesian Brothers and gave a further impulse to the task of promoting the vocation of the Salesian Brother, which every lay Salesian is called to do in his own community where he lives and works.

At the end of the meeting they set a date for the next formation gathering, planned for 2014 at Rumia, in Piła Province.

Published 06/03/2013

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