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14/2/2013 - Dominican Republic - Growth of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco in the Antilles
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(ANS – Santo Domingo) – The Past Pupils of Don Bosco in the Antilles Province, especially in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, are happily in a current phase of growth and consolidation. Just two years after the Federation was established, the Past Pupils already number 1,740.

The Antilles Past Pupils Federation began in 2011, and its development owes much to the efforts of the Provincial, Fr Víctor Pichardo, the Provincial Delegate, Fr Juan Linares, the Rectors of Salesian Houses and the Federation's President, Mr Luis Ventura Llanos.  Thanks to these, 9 Local Unions attached to various houses have been set up and it was possible to bring many generations of past pupils together to celebrate Don Bosco and his Preventive System and especially continue the formation and involvement that had its beginnings in the Salesian works they attended.

The Past Pupils of the Antilles' awareness of being a federation has grown much in this short period: Local Unions have organised meetings with an average attendance of 200 members each time. They have all elected their administrative group (President etc) and are now drawing up their Regulations

From 27-30 January Unions from the Santiago Polytechnic (IPSA) and Don Bosco Colleges in Santo Domingo and San Juan, Puerto Rico have met, in all three cases involving some 200 past pupils each.

The Unions from the Saelsian Agrotech (IATESA), Salesian Technical Institute (ITESA) and Sacred Heart of Jesus College in Santo Domingo came together on 3 February. At IATESA there were more than 500 past pupils, and their families. They elected a new President. At ITESA there were 350 and at Sacred Heart College, around 80. 

Work begins in the various Unions with Mass, some time for formation, and the traditional games. Formation has focused on the identity and mission of the past pupil of Don Bosco

Unions in the Salesian aspirantate at Jarabacoa and Sacred Heart of Jesus College in Valverde met respectively on the first Sunday in August and in October. They too had an average attendance of 200

The Antilles Federation is much involved in seeing that Local Unions are working in the areas of education and evangelisation in the mission of the local Church or as part of the Salesian Provincial Overall Plan. For example the Union at IPSA organises an annual Youth Easter event for all its past pupils; Most of the members of the Union at Sacred Heart of Jesus College in Santo Domingo help to run a youth centre; the Union at the aspirantate has set up a Foundation to help poor families. 

Currently a significant group of Past Pupils from the Antilles is taking part in a School for Leaders on line, begun this year and to last for 3 years. It will include a face-to-face meeting in Holy Week. 123 are taking part and now in February they are studying the Church's Social Teaching.

The Federation aims to celebrate the Bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth and the centenary of the Association by setting up Unions in all the houses of the Province.

Publsihed 14/02/2013

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