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12/2/2013 - Spain - “We are rich” Campaign
Photo for the article -SPAIN – “WE ARE RICH” CAMPAIGN

(ANS – Sevilla) – At the end of January, the 'Proyecto Don Bosco' Foundation launched its “Somos ricos” (We are rich) campaign: this is a consciousness-raising campaign and an appeal for solidarity, mainly on-line, which is giving out “scratch and in” tickets as its first stage, a publicity tool aimed at a well-to-do lifestyle.

In the first days of the campaign – using volunteers – 15,000 scratch tickets were distributed in various municipalities in Andalusia and the Canary Islands. The tickets contain an invitation to citizens to scratch and get rich. When they scratch the silver section they then see: This is the campaign's website, and in just 10 days they had had more than 1,500 visits.

After this 'street' beginning, of which a short video has been made and distributed through social networks, the 'Proyecto Don Bosco' Foundation then continued with its online “we are rich” awareness campaign, which aims at directing public opinion to the need to intensify efforts at solidarity at this particularly delicate time, socially and economically, due to the crisis. A second aim is to attract new helpers.

The campaign stems from reflection on the idea of wealth – commonly associated with the power to acquire things – at a time of profound financial crisis like the current one. Bearing in mind such association, the Foundation is attempting to offer a more spiritual idea of wealth, where the person who helps others is the richer individual: a kind of wealth that becomes very necessary in the difficult social and economic times today.

The campaign is built around its website,, with various items of information about the “wealth” that one can achieve through this Don Bosco Foundation project. The site also contains information on the “wealth” of the Foundation, and there is also a “wealth test”, where the user can use a Flash app to discover his or her personal 'wealth'.

The site also pays homage to the testimony of businesses, institutions and people who collaborate with the Foundation, using brief audiovisuals where people or groups showing solidarity show the reasons why they have cooperated with this venture.

Published 12/02/2013

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